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Shortage of physiotherapists in Europe – make sure you’re equipped to handle increased workloads

Physiotherapy was added to Europe’s Shortage Occupation List just last year in recognition of the disparity between need and delivery. The Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (CSP) have previously said that the demand cannot be met by domestic workers and where usually across Europe, freedom of movement would allow professionals to move between countries, there is also a shortage across some countries in Europe.

As this shortage continues, the CSP says that demand for physiotherapy is growing due to post-Covid rehabilitation, an ageing and longer working population, overall population growth, growing numbers of people with multiple long-term conditions and increased survival rates following stroke, trauma, and cancer. With demand for physiotherapists increasing at a faster rate than the service can grow, physiotherapists needs to ensure they are equipped to handle the increasing workload.

Our equipment is medically certified which mean our products have been rigorously tested and evaluated within the European Directive. As well as providing a range of quality assurances, this enables free trade movement within the 32 European states and also allows for insurance reimbursement in countries where equipment must be medically certified.

Despite this being one of the areas we are leading in, we still ensure exceptional value for money while delivering robust and heavy-duty equipment to you. Our MED products will not only help your patients, but we’re pleased to say the range has been designed with the therapist in mind – for example, the lifting deck which will support you safely in practice.

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