The PT Treadmill (4.0T) delivering to those users' needs that regular treadmills have neglected for too long.
The 4.0T is packed with useful functionality and its quality build provides durability and reliability for commercial uses.
It's the little things that make all the difference, including features such as:
- Extended handrails;
- Easy-access incline and decline;
- Low starting speed; and
- Innovative programs for a wide range of abilities.
Treadmill - 4.0T
The new LED console features a big, easy-to-read dot matrix display, and three windows for readouts. This includes many indicators according to users’ program selections. Users can take in all of the information at one glance. The overlay enables intuitive operation with easy-to-identify colour contrast and quick buttons to switch between Fitness, METs, HR programs, and more. The USB port also allows trickle charging for cell phones.